We’re Myers-Briggs for your shoppers, enabling every page to be curated for every single consumer.
People can't buy what they can't see, and it's impossible to manually curate for millions of online customers. PSYKHE AI is the brain of a super personal-shopper at scale, who instantly gets everyone.
Mechanical, repetitive, and impersonal: showing best-sellers to all, endlessly surfacing lookalikes, and even recommending purchases back to you. Your customers deserve better. Our AI-merchandising is fully per-user, delivering true personalization instead of generic optimization.
We merchandise the entire product category for every user, ensuring to surface the right product and quicken the time to discovery and purchase, not just mass A/B testing.
PSYKHE AI's unrivaled team of fashion, psychology, and machine‑learning experts have developed our psychographic AI to cater to the specific needs of fashion retailers.
PSYKHE AI personalizes the experience for every single user in real‑time, understanding the context of the session, and updating the consumer's merchandising every 10 seconds.
Get PSYKHE AI For Your Business
Get in touch to discuss your Enterprise’s specific needs and get an in‑depth understanding of how psych-based AI models deliver the experience of a personal shopper at scale.